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Sunday, October 14, 2012

This months happenings

Our beautiful camera is broken due to water. Using our point and shoot. Please forgive the crap photos. Here are a few pics of the last 5 weeks. Love and miss you all.
Ferguson Apple Orchard 

River making a craft with her choice of materials. Apple, hot glue, q-tip dipped in pastels and water.

Second piece. Q-tip glued to light stick. Fishing pole.

Sloane dancing.

Alex making naan. Good job honey.

First day of preschool.

First Bus Ride.

River giving her rolli polli a ride on her bike.

New chalk installation with the neighbors. They did this all the way down the street and around the corner.

River's first bike ride.


Pirate booty dance.

Serious dancing.

This is a video of River telling me about a dream she had.


MediocreMama said...

My least favorite thing is falling in wolf holes.

Ali & Trev said...

Absolutely love this! Especially the line "It was slippery slidey, so Heavenly Father helped us out." River is so cute I just want to hug you all. Also way to go riding your bike River I am so proud, I can't even hardly ride a bike.