Some people think that because I make things all the time I would be a good person to invite to an FHE group where you make six or seven copies of the same beautifully crafted FHE lesson each month and then swap them with six or seven other people and do it every month for a long time and then you have so many beautifully crafted FHE lessons. But what some people don't know is that I'm not a good person to invite to do this. And maybe those people found out that I'm not a good person to invite to do this when the first month I didn't even do it and then the second month everyone hands out their laminated, felt board, hand colored lessons and then I hand them a piece of paper that says.... "Make a Family Flag"
You should also know that instead of making FHE lessons I have been working hard on a new show that I'm super excited about. I'm giving myself a year to complete it and, no I don't know where it's going to be. But it's coming and I'm loving it.
Sneak peek at one of the pieces I'm working on for next years show.
This is River's favorite pose. She will do this pose and just watch me. And I'm like... what? And she's like... what?
I go to the zoo every week. Lately I am really into taking pictures of the small animals juxtapose their fabricated backgrounds. I love it. It's like the animals went to get their portraits taken at kiddie kandids or somewhere. They become such super loaded images, so interesting but It kind of kills me too. I'm obsessed with animals if you didn't know. I'm also getting into bird watching.
And, River is learning to walk. Alex is really good at inventing ways in which you don't have to bend over to help out.
I absolutely LOVE your sense of humor. You always make me laugh, thank you! Your baby is so adorable. I want to see your show! You are a fantastic artist (said, AR-TEEST).
Lets go bird watching.
I would also not be good at making those FHE lessons. Ours usually consist of talking about how the girls should love each other better and stop fighting. End of lesson. Now let's go eat some brownies.
Hey- We are coming up and staying in Draper I think Tuesday night and Wednesday night. We would love to get together while we are there. Let me know if we could work something out.
funny! I am here, what are you doing today? I am doing nothing..... I will call you so answer.
I like to bird watch too. I watch them through my scope right up until "PACOW" and the gun goes off. It's beautiful.
1. I try not to get involved in the FHE packet thingy things because a) I hate planning lessons and b) even though it's hard to say no (I feel snotty), it's harder to let people down when I realize how much I hate planning lessons.
2. I am drooling over your sneak peek photos right now. So much.
3. River seems to know what's up already. Even though she's little. And I want to kiss her cheeks.
4. The animal pics are freakin awesome.
5. River's sneakers!
I love Kathy. Oh yes I do.
No FHE packets in this house. Nope, no way, not happening.
hee. it is like stonehenge in yarn. very cool.
wow i have never seen a chipmunk in a zoo before . here they roam freely through the countryside.
Gary likes to crry our kids like bags with their overall straps as the handles. Overalls do come in handy with children. You may remember seeing this hold in church when a child was trying to escape. You should try it sometime!
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